If we are friends in real life and/ or in social media you would know that I've been caught hook, line, and sinker by Animal Crossing: New Horizons since I got it in June. J got me a yellow Switch Lite and a copy of the game for our fifth anniversary, and it's been an endless source of joy and delight since then.
How I wish I put up an Animal Crossing-dedicated blog when I was just starting out to mark all my game milestones, but as it stands I didn't really have the energy to do anything else aside from work and play Animal Crossing. The state of this country and the way we are [inefficiently] dealing with the pandemic is enough to drain me, and I couldn't muster enthusiasm for things I enjoyed doing in the past, like reading, writing, baking, watching movies and TV shows, endlessly scrolling on Instagram, and yes, even blogging. There were things I said yes to but had to back out of because I couldn't for the life of me Do Any Thing.
Things have been slowly turning around, and look, a new blog post here in months! I guess I just have to take things easy and remember that I do not have to carry the burden of worrying about things that are beyond my control.
Now we go to things I CAN control, like my island.
I named my island Soliantu after a tribe in Survivor: Marquesas. I am big on themes (How I Met Your Mother-themed 28th birthday party, anyone?) and of course I would have one for my island. Since I was getting a yellow Switch Lite, I figured I wanted a sunshine-themed island with bright and bold pops of color, mostly gradients of yellows, oranges, and pinks. Even my and my boyfriend's characters' names Soleil and Apollo are names associated with the sun.

Since I started on June 11 I have accomplished the following: gotten in touch with old friends and met new ones through the game or from various Facebook Groups or from trading in Nookazon; gotten all my dreamies (Dream Villagers) Dom, Megan, Chrissy, and Pietro; completed the Fossil and Art sections of my Museum; cataloged all furniture, wallpapers, and floorings that can be purchased from Nook's Cranny as well as all KK Slider songs and villager/ NPC posters; witnessed meteor showers; traded stocks in the form of turnips; and gotten a Five Star-rating, among others.
Together with my friend/ officemate Alyssa, I also made a deck about
PR Lessons in Animal Crossing that we shared with the whole
I have yet to complete the fishes, bugs, and DIY recipes but I am very satisfied with the current state of my island. I wish I could give you a tour but I am not a vlogger, heh. Maybe when we see each other IRL again, I can show you around. Maybe.
How I missed blogging. I should do this again more often.
Narrator: She disappeared for several months again.
Kidding. Maybe. :p
Thank you for reading. Take care and keep safe always, my friends.
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