Started from the bottom now we here:
Finished editing my buqo YA story at 3 AM 6,402 words, baby! |
Hello, I am Krissy. PR girl, blogger, crafter, watercolor painter, book sniffer, avid movie goer, and AUTHOR. And yes, I also had my hair cut and dyed yesterday. |
- Always keep a notebook handy. I also always have sticky notes with me, and this partly inspired my story. When I'm in transit to and from during meetings and neither are readily available, I use my phone.
- Gather supportive friends who can give you honest feedback, and motivate you when you're feeling out of it. I'm lucky because I have cheerleader friends (my friends from high school, my Breakfast Club-mates, Ed), friends who can spot grammar lapses and can give me their comments without crushing my self-confidence (Alexandra, Anne, and Alvin), and friends who stay up all night and I can chat up when I'm writing and very tempted to just go to sleep (Vlad). Thank you!
- Invest emotionally on your characters. If you don't feel a connection with them, you'll produce a halfhearted story. No one enjoys halfhearted stories. From Ethan Canin, "Don't write about a character. Become that character, and then write your story." How did I write about high school students when I am no longer a high school student myself? I just remembered what it was like for me, growing up. I've always had a flair for drama and I tend to empathize a lot so it was not *that* challenging for me.
- Listen around you. You never know when inspiration will strike! This tip was also shared by Manix Abrera during the Philippine Literary Festival.
- Don't over-think, because over-thinking leaves much room for self-doubt to creep in. As I shared, I was over-thinking and procrastinating for three weeks before I really sat down and worked on my story, but the minute I decided to start writing and put fingers to keyboard, that was when the magic happened.
- In tenses as in plot points, consistency is key. It's true that you'll have a blind spot when it comes to your own work, and that's where your beta-readers and editors come in.
- Just write. From Neil Gaiman, "This is how you do it: you sit down at the keyboard and you put one word after another until it's done. It's that easy, and that hard."
Mina also discussed future writing projects we can participate in. While I was working on my YA story, I came up with dialogues that would be too mature for Nate and Tanya but would be perfect for characters in a New Adult story. I drafted a WIP file and it now sits on my desktop, ready to be revisited and worked on. It's so exciting when a project gives birth to other projects!
I feel so legit. |
With Mina I'd like to thank her for being so awesome in organizing writing communities and paving the way for people like me who have always dreamed of finishing writing something and putting our work out there. Visit the Romance Class catalogue here. |
With my Romance Class classmate Justine We miss you, Bea! |
With Ines, author of One Crazy Summer, What's in Your Heart, and Only a Kiss She also contributed a story to Sola Musica: Love Notes from a Festival Her daughter Addie is probably the first kid who ever noticed my dimples!!! So cute ^_^ |
With my buqo YA classmate Six |
With buqo YA classmate Ginny |
I'm so excited to read what my classmates have written! I hope you guys can download the buqo app on your mobile devices and support our dreams. ♡ Thank you so much for this opportunity, buqo and Mina!
And now, we celebrate.
Oatmeal Raisin Cookie a la Mode from Shakey's |
GIFs were sourced from here.
I'm still on a high from being able to finish my buqo YA story on time! I woke up on the right side of the bed and sashayed to work excitedly despite clocking in only two hours and a half of sleep last night.
I have received really positive reception and helpful comments from most of my beta readers already, and that just warms my heart. Tomorrow, I start editing. The final class is this coming Saturday already and because I wasn't able to attend the first one, I would really try my best to attend this time. It would be nice to see Mina again, meet my classmates, and gush over our shared success together.
The edits sent in by my friends Alex and Anne who concentrated on grammar and voice of the story. For fun, I am also reading Raymond Carver's What We Talk About When We Talk About Love. I'm not even halfway through yet so I'm not sure if this is a valid opinion, but I feel I liked Simon van Booy's The Secret Lives of People in Love more.
My buqo-sponsored Young Adult story Once Upon a Post-It.
Yellowcard's Hang You Up and She's Only Sixteen's Magic on loop.
The smell of success. Hah.
A big smile that I can't seem to wipe off.
Of more stories I want to write.
Thankful that I have a job that allows me to do things that feed my soul.
The support the people around me have been showering me.
You don't know how much these mean to me. Thank you so much!
To reward myself for this achievement but I don't know what to get for myself yet. A dress? Meh. Shoes? Meh. I'd like to go out of town but I don't think I have it in me to go alone. I need someone to plan with.
To get more rest because I've been subsisting on less than three hours of sleep each day for the past three weeks.
I can watch Backstreet Boys in concert with my Mom. She's a fan of the boyband so I'm planning to buy tickets for us to surprise her. Sssh. ;)
Lots of things to look forward to this week: The Voice Season 8, Nate Ruess's new song, two TOMS events, a Sample Room event, and buqo YA's "graduation" on Saturday! Have a fantabulous week ahead!
I have received really positive reception and helpful comments from most of my beta readers already, and that just warms my heart. Tomorrow, I start editing. The final class is this coming Saturday already and because I wasn't able to attend the first one, I would really try my best to attend this time. It would be nice to see Mina again, meet my classmates, and gush over our shared success together.
The edits sent in by my friends Alex and Anne who concentrated on grammar and voice of the story. For fun, I am also reading Raymond Carver's What We Talk About When We Talk About Love. I'm not even halfway through yet so I'm not sure if this is a valid opinion, but I feel I liked Simon van Booy's The Secret Lives of People in Love more.
My buqo-sponsored Young Adult story Once Upon a Post-It.
Yellowcard's Hang You Up and She's Only Sixteen's Magic on loop.
The smell of success. Hah.
A big smile that I can't seem to wipe off.
Of more stories I want to write.
Thankful that I have a job that allows me to do things that feed my soul.
The support the people around me have been showering me.
From my sunshine and serenade-in-a-box Ed last Saturday night. |
Excerpt from a very sweet email from my blog reader Bea last night |
To reward myself for this achievement but I don't know what to get for myself yet. A dress? Meh. Shoes? Meh. I'd like to go out of town but I don't think I have it in me to go alone. I need someone to plan with.
To get more rest because I've been subsisting on less than three hours of sleep each day for the past three weeks.
I can watch Backstreet Boys in concert with my Mom. She's a fan of the boyband so I'm planning to buy tickets for us to surprise her. Sssh. ;)
May we never run out of things to smile about |
And now I just want to shimmy all over my room with this Jason Mraz song on repeat!
I did it, guys. I finished my story for Mina Esguerra's buqo-sponsored Young Adult online class!
Save for my Creative Writing portfolio for my Intensive English class back in college, this is my first fictional work that I am putting out there, like, really out there, so this is kinda a big deal for me. Having said that, I am feeling so emotional right now. (ノД`)・゜・。
I always say I'm happiest when I make, no matter what form: a simple blog post, a crappy watercolor painting, or anything I DIY, but it's a completely different world when you create a completely different universe and give life to characters huhuhu. It's a different kind of high, and now I know how the authors I look up to were able to churn out book after book at a rate even I (who can't go to sleep without reading even one chapter) can't keep up with.
I'm so in love with life right now like you wouldn't believe. ♡
The online class started on January 24 and will end on February 28, which is the deadline of us sending the final draft. I have been sleeping less than three hours a day for the past three weeks, but if I'm being completely honest I only worked on my story for less than twenty hours. The rest of the time was spent either on work or procrastinating by watching movies and Will & Grace, reading endless articles all over the web, taking online quizzes, chatting with friends, and over-thinking every possible scenario about why I couldn't do this.
But hey, against all those odds, I was able to freakin' do it! Nate and Tanya's story, at 5,664 words. Most of my classmates have more than 10,000 words in their own stories, but I'm confident with what I have written. I think it has everything I needed to include, and Nate and Tanya were able to bring me to places I didn't think possible.
Pretty awesome feat, considering I started with this:
Now comes the next part. I have already sent my story to my beta readers and closest friends, and then I will wait for their honest comments about Once Upon a Post-It so I can apply the necessary changes, edit, and then prepare the cover. Until then, I will rest my hands and my eyes (the right side of my face has been twitching all afternoon, probably from lack of sleep) and hopefully work on my romance novella once my buqo YA story has been okay-ed.
I am so happy, you guys. ♡
I have set tomorrow as the deadliest deadline of the Young Adult story I'm writing, and then I'm going to send it to my beta readers, rest my mind a bit, edit, and then come up with a cover. All these I need to do by Friday next week as everything would have to be sent to Mina on February 28. I'd like to make my own cover, if possible, so I'm taking a leave from work on the 27th to make sure I have enough time.
My body clock is messed up and I have been putting in less than three hours of sleep each night to work on my drafts, when all I want to do is watch movies, read What We Talk About When We Talk About Love, and sleep.
As per my beta readers who read the first 1,199 words, I have a good start and it made them excited to read the rest of the story. One of them said I should tone down the choice of words a bit, though, so I'm scratching out 'ebullience'. Note to self: keep it simple. One of them also said she can see too much of myself in the Main Character. I guess that's not bad, but I would like to separate myself from her as much as I can. But, so long as I don't end up with a Mary Sue, then I think it's okay.
I'm happy with the reception so far; several friends have asked me to send them a copy once done, and that feels extremely flattering. Not finishing this would be a waste, so I better stop procrastinating due to my paralyzing fear that my story is not good enough and just keep writing.
The thing with working on a story, sometimes your mind flies and takes you to a completely different world where other characters reside. I was so inspired after I saw Comet the other night that I dreamt of new dialogues that won't fit my YA characters so I'm parking them for now. I'm hoping to get back to them for a different story, preferably for the romance novella I started last year.
Now I'm drinking homemade milk tea and getting back to work once I hit Publish on this post.
Ah, last minute panic. The Great Motivator. I'm totally going shopping for a new dress when I finish this.
See you on the other side! That other side hopefully being The End of this have-yet-to-be-titled YA story.
When my characters don't want to talk to me, I relax and get to know other characters instead. And oh boy, I felt like the two characters of Comet came to my room and whisked me away to a field of feels.
Steph and Dell's story is told over the course of a 90-minute film that, like a painting, doesn't really have a beginning, middle, or ending. Starting in medias res, it constantly jumps back and forth their relationship's high and low points.
Unconventional yet realistic and sweet yet bitingly bitter, Comet almost had everything I want in a movie about love set in the modern world – like conversations that stretch on about topics that I myself have wanted to ask people, trains, serendipitous meet-cutes, and the idea of parallel universes. Also, the dialogue and chemistry between Justin Long and Emmy Rossum. Oh god the dialogue. Some people may say movies like this are full of pretentious drivel, but only because it has an experimental film feel to it. It's easy to overdo these things, but yeah, I can listen to Justin and Emmy talk all day. Not as much as I loved listening to Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy of the Before trilogy talk, but you get the picture. It has a meta quality to it that I liked, with undertones of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, {500} Days of Summer, and Celeste & Jesse Forever. Heartbreakingly beautiful, this one.
Huh, for someone who "can't form a valid opinion" because she's "feeling all the feels," I actually said a lot. Oh well, time to go back to my characters Tanya and Nate.
Just in case you missed it, it's Beauty Fair season again in Robinsons Department Store! Time to hoard and stock up on your favorite beauty products and personal care essentials once again!
Just like all the other previous RDS Beauty Fairs, you can expect huge savings and lots of freebies when you shop at the Beauty Department. Most notable are the following:
FREE Striped yellow/blue/pink bag for every P250 worth of Creamsilk and Sunsilk products
FREE Brown leatherette bag for every P750 worth of Pond’s products
FREE Black sling bag for every P200 worth of Unilever Men products
FREE Wash and Wear pouch for every P200 worth of Unilever lotions (February 15 - March 15)
FREE Black leatherette tote bag for every P750 worth of Tressemme’ products
FREE Black & white canvass tote for every P300 worth of Dove products
FREE pouch for every Close Up/ Pepsodent 100ml toothpaste
PLUS a chance to WIN P10,000 worth shopping spreeat Robinsons Department Store! when you avail of any 3 Unilever exclusive promotions
FREE Olay Total Effects Foaming Cleanser 50g when you buy Olay Total Effects Cream Regular 50g or Olay Total Effects Cream with SPF15 50g (selected stores only)
FREE UV Umbrella For every P800 worth of participating P&G products
10% off on featured products
10% off on Hypercurl mascara
10% off on selected Colorshow lipstick
P50 off on all BB Creams
30% off on all items worth P250 and above when you buy one White Super Fresh two-way cake (February 16-28)
Buy 2 for P660 Lip Polish
P50 off on make up remover
Buy 2 for P149 Colgate Plax Peppermint 250ml mouthwash
FREE 1 Slim Soft Dual Action single toothbrush when you buy two Colgate Sugar Acid Neutralizer 122ml toothpaste.
Save 100 when you buy a set of Dermafoam + Revitalift Toner Lotion
10% off on Revitalift Laser Night Cream 50ml
10% off on all True Match Liquid Foundation
Free P50 off on refill when you buy Mat Magique Two-way Cake Foundation
These offers are valid from February 1 to 28 in all RDS branches unless otherwise stated.
Did your eyes just pop at all those deals and discounts? Mine almost did! Trooping over the nearest RDS branch (mine's in Malabon Citisquare) because even though I have a mini pantry stocked full of beauty and personal care products, a girl can never have enough. ;)
Love, Rosie tells the story of Alex and Rosie, their entanglements, and all the many ways fate played with them. They have been best friends since they were five and discovered they're in love not soon after, but as with other friendships with the same dilemma, they are both scared to confess what they feel and potentially lose what they currently have. Besides, Alex had to move to another country and Rosie got pregnant just before she was supposed to follow. What now?
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Perfectly paced and interspersed with funny dialogues and a winner soundtrack, Love, Rosie is a lighthearted romance movie that I'm sure will capture a lot of hearts. It also doesn't hurt that the main actors are so beautiful. So. Beautiful. Sam Claflin is both dashing and awkward in a way that it's like he doesn't know how perfect he is, while Lily Collins lights up the screen whatever state she's in: young and carefree, or pregnant and confused, or a struggling young mom, or even a "best man" forced to look happy for her best friend on his wedding day.
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I am not necessarily a book purist because I recognize that books and films are two separate media and trying to stack up one's merits against the other is a futile exercise, but I couldn't help but point out that the book worked so well from its epistolary format that I wish they could've incorporated more of it in the movie. I have to admit, the book frustrated me a lot because, oh, look at all the many ways they could've been together much earlier, without the need for three failed marriages and wasting away a great deal of their lives not being with each other. However, reading their struggles and seeing them finally get together in the end made me feel like it was earned, and it was well-deserved. At least it wasn't as tragic as One Day was. I'm still scarred.
I loved Love, Rosie. It was a good movie and I liked it, all bokeh-filled, beautiful scenes of it. Watch it when you can, and then read the book after.
I loved Love, Rosie. It was a good movie and I liked it, all bokeh-filled, beautiful scenes of it. Watch it when you can, and then read the book after.
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Now here's a question: Have you ever fallen in love with your best friend? Did you confess your feelings or did you keep it in in fears of ruining your friendship? I'm writing a Young Adult story with the same theme and I'm trying to incorporate a little bit of research in it. Sound off in the comments! ♡
So I realized today that I can function on a particularly busy day in the office and survive even with barely three hours of sleep. I mean, sure, my head feels like it's floating and I have massive eyebags, but I survived.
All for the sake of submitting the first three pages of my YA story for Mina Esguerra's buqo-sponsored online class. I could've finished it earlier, of course, but where's the fun in that?
Also, my creative juices start to flow only when the deadline is looming.
Anyway, I clocked in at 1,199 words and submitted Activity #3 a half hour before midnight!
Trigger Warning: Short Fictions and Disturbances by Neil Gaiman
The next chapter!
Silence. It's like the whole neighborhood is already sleeping. I want to join them.
The Physiogel Cream I slather on my face before bedtime. I love how it makes my skin feel super soft!
Ratty old pambahay clothes. I am so ready to fall asleep after this entry.
Of more conflicts to throw my buqo YA characters.
Sleepy and tired and exhausted yet accomplished.
That classic red lipstick look.
To finish my YA story without any other hitches. I really want to do this!
More sleep.
I can stop time so I can spend more time sleeping.
Can you see a pattern here? I am so ready to sleep now. Goodnight, world! Sweet dreams!
Me working on my laptop in my friend Mike's car on our way home |
Also, my creative juices start to flow only when the deadline is looming.
Anyway, I clocked in at 1,199 words and submitted Activity #3 a half hour before midnight!
Trigger Warning: Short Fictions and Disturbances by Neil Gaiman
The next chapter!
I don't have a title yet, but here's a peek |
Silence. It's like the whole neighborhood is already sleeping. I want to join them.
The Physiogel Cream I slather on my face before bedtime. I love how it makes my skin feel super soft!
Ratty old pambahay clothes. I am so ready to fall asleep after this entry.
Of more conflicts to throw my buqo YA characters.
Sleepy and tired and exhausted yet accomplished.
That classic red lipstick look.
Wearing L'Oreal Colour Riche Intense Lipstick in Viva Red here, and it's my current favorite |
To finish my YA story without any other hitches. I really want to do this!
More sleep.
I can stop time so I can spend more time sleeping.
Can you see a pattern here? I am so ready to sleep now. Goodnight, world! Sweet dreams!
As part of an informal Valentine tradition I started years ago, I just finished watching Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind for the nth time. This movie is faultless.
I'm not a concept, Joel. I'm just a fucked-up girl who is looking for my own peace of mind. I'm not perfect.
I can't think of anything I don't like about you right now.
But you will. You will think of things. And I'll get bored with you and feel trapped because that's what happens with me.
Clementine and Joel have made Okay their Always since 2004.
A quick keyword search through this blog will show that there aren't any other works of fiction I talk or write about more than this movie, How I Met Your Mother, and the Before trilogy. Every re-watching is a new experience because I'm a different person each time. I've been feeling a little jaded lately and, well, it's not a good feeling to have and I'm hoping to come out of this funk soon.
Have you seen Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind? Since you are still reading this I'm assuming you have. If you haven't yet, come on, the movie came out more than ten years ago. Get on it!
I asked because I wanted to talk about its alternate ending. They say that a very early draft of the script shows Clementine, at an old age, waiting to get the treatment again. It was never filmed. Thank God! Can you imagine how exhausting that would be? Meeting someone, getting together, hitting relationship roadblocks, giving up, hurting so much to the point that you want all memories of them literally erased from your brain, and then doing everything all over again? Can you? Because I don't think I can.
Suspending disbelief for a moment and imagining Lacuna Inc. were real and erasing someone from your memory were possible, would you take that chance for a clean break and start fresh?
Sounds ideal if you just came from a heartbreak, but even if I were, I don't think I can do it. I wrote a post about this before asking the same question and almost five years later, my answer is still the same:
Hugs, kisses, dreams, and conversation with someone I love - these are the things I live for, and if my heart needs to get broken a lot of times before I find my person, before I go "Hey, this is it, this is home," then so be it.
Errr, kidding about that bit about breaking my heart lots of times more. She has been broken and repaired enough, thankyouverymuch. LOL.
Some memories may be better best forgotten, but some, some are worthy to be kept going back to, if only to remember how happy we were once, and how capable of love we can be.
Hugs, kisses, dreams, and conversation with someone I love - these are the things I live for, and if my heart needs to get broken a lot of times before I find my person, before I go "Hey, this is it, this is home," then so be it.
Errr, kidding about that bit about breaking my heart lots of times more. She has been broken and repaired enough, thankyouverymuch. LOL.
The problem with traditional movies is they usually have to have it one way or the other: happy or sad. For those people who need it, we have a happy ending, but for people who want to look deeper, the movie is saying, yes, love is real, but the road to it is complicated and you're going to make terrible messes along the way and you need to go on anyway.What can I say, pondering these things while on my long commutes to and from work has made me very wise, heh. I love this movie so much and I wish you have a movie or book or TV show you love or can relate to as much. Happy Valentine's Day! Be loved. ❤
- Charlie Kaufman
I've been such a busy bee and work has been extra stressful lately so I was glad for an excuse to relax for a bit and talk beauty with some of my favorite people from the beauty blogging community!
Through Sample Room, Burt's Bees whisked us away for a fancy tea party suitable for queen bees!
The newest line from Burt's Bees that became available locally, Radiance promises to "bring out the radiance with food from honeybees," as it contains Royal Jelly, one of nature’s most nourishing substances. Complexed with 134 nutrients including eight essential amino acids, proteins, minerals, and vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6, along with Biotin, Niacin, and Folic Acid, Royal Jelly is made by worker bees and is fed to the queen bee in her first days of life to ensure her growth and fertility. No wonder she lives 40 times longer and is 50% bigger than worker bees!
I am a big fan of Burt's Bees Daisy White line so I am really excited for this. One of our newest clients is an aesthetic center, and as an additional job perk we were granted a free consultation and will be given free treatments. When the dermatologist assessed my skin, she said I have good skin for my age. Thanks to genetics and lifestyle, I guess? She said the skincare products we use is also a big factor, and that it's good that I prefer natural products. Note to self: post my updated skin care regimen!
It was my first time to try TWG Tea. I liked my Tea Party and macarons. It was such a perfect venue for an informal event like this, where girl friends got to just hang out and gab away.
Also, can I just share how stoked I still feel when I realize I'm friends with beauty bloggers whose blogs I used to just read? Who would've thought that we would become friends IRL and know one another beyond what our respective websites show?
With Phoebe |
With Shen |
With Jes, Earth, and Phoebe |
I named this shelf the "Apoteacary" |
Thanks to Burt's Bees, I got to take home a set of Burt's Bees Radiance Cleanser, Toner, Day Cream, and Night Cream. I already ran out of my Daisy White Serum so I think I'll be adding the Burt's Bees Radiance Serum to cart very soon.
Here comes the fun part: Sample Room will be offering samples of products from Burt's Bees Radiance line for free! Existing members just have to log in starting tomorrow, while new members need to register first. You might also want to get a VIP membership just to ensure you have enough points ;) You may also visit Burt's Bees website and shop online!
That's it for now. Thanks again, Sample Room and Burt's Bees! So excited to see you guys buzzing around tomorrow!
I wish there is an OFF switch to PMS.
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Trigger Warning: Short Fictions and Disturbances by Neil Gaiman |
We build the stories in our heads. We take words, and we give them power, and we look out through other eyes, and we see, and experience, what others see. I wonder, Are fictions safe places? And then I ask myself, Should they be safe places?For someone who immerses herself in fiction way too much, I daresay no, they are not. This takes me back to what a friend said exactly a day and a year ago when we talked about how Celeste and Jesse Forever destroyed me: "They give us the experience of a thousand lives. The trauma it brings is well worth it."
My contribution for Mina Esguerra's buqo-sponsored online class. I'm so happy because I have finally made progress! I was on my way home from seeing my aunt and cousins yesterday when Tanya and Ethan's story made itself known to me. Now I'm a little bit more confident that I can actually do this. Please cross your fingers for me!
An endless loop of Fun. songs. Seeing a status update from them that they are not breaking the band up although they're all working on separate projects made me so happy. Nate is also working on his solo album so DOUBLE YES!
My heart on my sleeve.
A little bit happy, a little bit sad, and a lot of other emotions in between.
That everything gets better, so no matter how sucky anything feels, I am guaranteed tomorrow [or the day or week or month after that] will be better. Or, I don't know, at least not suck as much.
More time so I can finish all the movies I want to watch and books I want to read and still manage to squeeze another How I Met Your Mother marathon in between.
To think more before I say or type things because the message might get lost in translation and be misconstrued.
I can take at least a week off work so I can work on my stories. I haven't even picked up a watercolor brush in so long. My soul needs a break, but I don't have the luxury to do that.
And so another week begins. Hang tight!
Antoinette Jadaone's That Thing Called Tadhana is the first movie I watched on the big screen this year. I know the movie has gained a lot of positive reviews but I still didn't want to expect too much because I've been burned by one too many local films already, but I ended up liking it a lot!
It has a simple premise: boy meets heartbroken girl, heartbroken girls tells woes to boy, heartbroken girl and boy go on a roadtrip so girl can "find herself again." What sets the movie apart are its lines that don't sound fake nor contrived, the palpable chemistry between the two main actors – JM de Guzman as Anthony and Angelica Panganiban as Mace, and its cinematography.
I watch Mace crying her heart out and I remember myself from The Major Heartbreak from four years ago. I never thought of killing myself, but it was like I lost the will to live. I was crying for a long time and felt empty for months. Even without directly telling me, I know I alienated people so I'm really thankful that my friends remained supportive. It felt like forever but finally, one day I woke up and Life looked beautiful again. I buried myself in my new job, met new people, and learned new skills. I became open to possibilities.
And that's why I don't judge when people tell me they are trying to cope with a broken heart. We treat problems differently so it's only expected that we have different ways of coping. I've dealt with a few minor heartaches after The Major Heartbreak, but, I don't know, I guess I'm stronger now, or at least more equipped to deal with bullshit.
If there's one thing to take away from this, it's that I refuse to be cynical.
I'm excited to fall in love again.
*The title of this post concerns a humorous account of how we were able to get our hands on movie tickets, but I guess it's one of those stories where you had to be there to find it remotely funny. LOL.
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I watch Mace crying her heart out and I remember myself from The Major Heartbreak from four years ago. I never thought of killing myself, but it was like I lost the will to live. I was crying for a long time and felt empty for months. Even without directly telling me, I know I alienated people so I'm really thankful that my friends remained supportive. It felt like forever but finally, one day I woke up and Life looked beautiful again. I buried myself in my new job, met new people, and learned new skills. I became open to possibilities.
And that's why I don't judge when people tell me they are trying to cope with a broken heart. We treat problems differently so it's only expected that we have different ways of coping. I've dealt with a few minor heartaches after The Major Heartbreak, but, I don't know, I guess I'm stronger now, or at least more equipped to deal with bullshit.
If there's one thing to take away from this, it's that I refuse to be cynical.
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*The title of this post concerns a humorous account of how we were able to get our hands on movie tickets, but I guess it's one of those stories where you had to be there to find it remotely funny. LOL.
I have a fairly simple hair routine: shampoo every other day, condition every day. I go through bottles of conditioner much faster because of this. I also only blow dry my hair and put styling products on if I have to make an extra effort to look nice. I have reached my ideal hair length and I love that it's not as high maintenance as when I had a pixie cut, nor do I look "perpetually tired" as when I had long locks.
When I had my hair cut and colored by JuRo Salon Exclusif a few months ago, they gave me a bottle each of shampoo and conditioner from the Super Smooth line of Pureology. Its sulfate-free formula ensured that my hair color stayed vibrant and my hair, healthy. However, I ran out of it already and as much as I would want to buy new ones, its price is too steep for me.
For new visitors of this blog, let me describe my hair as thick, unruly, and frizzy that it seems to have a life of its own. I have learned to expect less from hair products, especially shampoo and conditioner, just so I wouldn't be that disappointed if I don't see any of the effects I was promised. Still, I got excited when I saw teasers about the new beauty miracle that "everyone will be talking about." Could it be a miracle product for me?
Sample Room sent me samples of the new Pantene 3 Minute Miracle conditioner, and this is my review.
Smoothen 3 Months of Damage
Pantene 3 Minute Miracle Conditioner in Total Damage Care and Hair Fall Control variants will be available in February 2015 for Php159.00 (180ml) and Php259.00 (340ml). You may also check out Sample Room to see if you can still grab free samples, or pre-order at Zalora by clicking here. Enjoy this new beauty miracle and have great hair days!
Disclosure: The product was sent to me by Sample Room. All opinions are my own. Please see my blog's complete Disclosure Policy here.
When I had my hair cut and colored by JuRo Salon Exclusif a few months ago, they gave me a bottle each of shampoo and conditioner from the Super Smooth line of Pureology. Its sulfate-free formula ensured that my hair color stayed vibrant and my hair, healthy. However, I ran out of it already and as much as I would want to buy new ones, its price is too steep for me.
For new visitors of this blog, let me describe my hair as thick, unruly, and frizzy that it seems to have a life of its own. I have learned to expect less from hair products, especially shampoo and conditioner, just so I wouldn't be that disappointed if I don't see any of the effects I was promised. Still, I got excited when I saw teasers about the new beauty miracle that "everyone will be talking about." Could it be a miracle product for me?
Sample Room sent me samples of the new Pantene 3 Minute Miracle conditioner, and this is my review.
Damaged hair is one that has lost its protective layer and thus feels rough. Damaged hair is also more negatively charged than healthy hair, causing frizz. To achieve smooth, silky and detangled hair, Pantene’s new formula has an improved conditioning agent or cationic polymer. This cationic polymer is positively charged to neutralize damaged portions of hair, and forms a shield to protect hair from future damage. This protective layer reduces the friction between individual hair fibers, resulting in easier rinsing and reduced tangling.Get Touchable Smoother Hair
With up to 80% more key conditioning ingredient vs. Pantene’s regular conditioner, Pantene 3 Minute Miracle Conditioner contains the highest ever level of advanced Terminal Amino-Silicones (TAS), which flatten and smoothen the outer layer or the cuticle cells on the hair surface. This helps protect the hair’s inner structure or cortex, preventing future damage and moisture loss from styling. By protecting the moisture balance of hair, Pantene 3 Minute Miracle transforms brittle, rigid and damaged hair to touchable, soft and beautiful hair.I love Pantene 3 Minute Miracle Conditioner because it:
- improved my hair's health, condition, and physical appearance
- made my hair look shiny even without the use of a hair serum or cuticle coat
- made my hair more manageable
- smells really good! It's a mix of fruity and floral scents that are not overpowering nor too cloying.
- offers immediate results
Pantene 3 Minute Miracle Conditioner in Total Damage Care and Hair Fall Control variants will be available in February 2015 for Php159.00 (180ml) and Php259.00 (340ml). You may also check out Sample Room to see if you can still grab free samples, or pre-order at Zalora by clicking here. Enjoy this new beauty miracle and have great hair days!
Disclosure: The product was sent to me by Sample Room. All opinions are my own. Please see my blog's complete Disclosure Policy here.
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