If you will notice, I manage to do an average of 13 posts a month; the most I've made this year prior to this month was for
September with 16. But now, look! For November I was able to make 23 posts! In my standards, that is already a LOT considering how busy I've been the last couple of weeks and how many events I've missed. [Well last year I managed to create 31 posts for
November but that's a bit different since I completed a
30-Day Challenge then.]
I just want to thank my 195(!!!) followers plus the people who might not follow this blog through Google Friend Connect or subscribe through Google Reader or Feedburner, but have bookmarked my site or added it to their Favorites. Thank you! Knowing other people care enough to read my ramblings [and leave sweet messages] here sends a warm glow to my pink, glittering heart ♥
On to this month's
Pretty Little Things, shall we? You already know the highlights of this month - how I became witness to the
lighting of a giant Christmas Tree, how my friend Dewi enabled me to watch the
premiere of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part One, how I got the
perfect oxford booties, how I got the perfect
haircut, how I finally
convinced the 'rents to let me live in my own apartment all by myself, and how I met my online friend Rej in person
for the first time - so for this post I will share the little moments, those little details that made this month much more memorable.
Doesn't it feel like Christmas? |
Seeing places decked in Christmas decorations and fairy lights never fails to cheer me up. Photo above was taken in
SM Fairview on the first week of November. Inside the Christmas house is Santa Claus, taking photos with children and parents alike :)
Sweet desserts shared with a friend after finding the perfect apartment. |
Lover's Hat (topped with cherries, chopped cashew nuts, and dark chocolate chips) and
Pinoy Hat (topped with ChocNut, barquillos, and chopped cashew nuts) by
White Hat Italian Frozen Yogurt and Original Glazed doughnuts by
Krispy Kreme, perfect as a celebratory treat with my good friend/ officemate Mich after she and her family helped me score an apartment near their place.
Sweet desserts shared with a friend after a movie. |
McDonald's Creamy Brazo Sundae and
Oreo Hot Fudge Sundae shared with Dane after watching
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part One. Loved the sundae, loved the company. We might not be that close
close anymore, but he still remains an important fixture in my life, someone who I can't easily shake off *just like that*.
Seeing Megamind in 3D with my younger sister Kyla |
We watched it a week before DH was shown, and I loved that my sister loved it. She rarely asks me to see a movie with her, so when she did I was all for it [especially since I looove watching movies as well heh]. IMO, this year in animated movies: Toy Story 3 >> Megamind > Despicable Me >>>>> Shrek Forever After. ;D
Pictures taken from our team's overnight swimming party in Green Nature in San Mateo, Rizal. |
One of the best team buildings I have attended! Honestly, the feeling of
belonging I felt that night made me feel the happiest I've been in months. It was awesome.
Note: It was too cold to swim in just a bikini. Photo above was taken for vanity purposes, which was an epic fail anyway because the photographer did not use flash and the only source of light was [the moon and the stars and] the light behind me XD
Rewarding myself with my favorite fastfood dishes after going 37 hours without sleeping. |
37 hours is the longest I've gone without sleeping a wink. My reward for still going to work in spite of the overwhelming desire to just go home and zzzzz, I got my favorite
Chicken a la King Baked Rice Melt (I love the melted cheese on top, yummm) and new on the menu
Pizza Fries in Ham and Cheese from
Making stupid choices and being able to correct them. |
There is a juicy story behind this nasty swollen bruise on my left thumb, something I prefer not to share in this blog anymore. Sorry! >.<
Going out with friends and having so much fun that I don't care if I look silly in the photo or not XD |
Mich and her bestfriend Jonas, Frank, Watcher and I flocked to SM Fairview last Sunday where Mich treated us to lunch at
Mang Inasal and Watcher treated us to
Starbucks. Such fun friends to be around! :)
Making funny faces while stuck in traffic. Also, wearing my pretty vest-top from my friend Genily ♥ |
Photo was taken last Monday while Dane was driving me to my stop. I was teasing him about how it was his last day as a 28 year old guy [he actually turned 25 yesterday,
November 30]. :D
Aaand, I don't have a photo to accompany it, but earlier my Mama and I went to my new apartment to clean it and prepare it for when I finally move. We've also put new linoleum floors and new curtains to give it a more home-y feeling. I'm planning to buy some mini Christmas trinkets as well to make it more festive; maybe I'll do it this coming Sunday as I would have officially moved by this Saturday. Weeeeeh!
November has been pretty busy, eh? I believe December will be much busier, though, what with all the scurrying around trying to find the perfect Christmas gifts. *Squeals* I can't believe it's December already! Done with your Christmas shopping? What about your Christmas wishlist? :)
PS: I'm mailing out the Christmas cards next week. Anyone who might be interested to receive a bit of Christmas cheer from me, please email me your mailing address via
krissyfied[at]gmail[dot]com. Very easy, huh?
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