This may sound very superficial of me, but one of my main frustrations of living in a tropical country is that we don't have winter here. It would be nice to have a white Christmas and experience making snow angels at least once, you know? And the winter clothes, of course! As much I would want to wear thick coats, tights and boots, I know it would just elicit unwanted stares. Plus, I might just die because of the heat x_x
Pictured above are Whooga Ugg Boots. Whooga is widely recognized as the world's fastest growing boutique brand of ugg boots. They are made with the single purpose of being the warmest most luxurious sheepskin boots available.
Me being Krissy, you just know that the pink one stands out for me :) Want to win your own pair? Just click here to visit their site and join their giveaway just by subscribing in the newsletter. Winners are drawn at the end of each month and the giveaway is open to everyone from all over the world. Aaand here's a special offer I am sharing with you! Enter the exclusive discount code 903KRISSY to avail of 10% discount, valid for a whole week ;)

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