It's official: I have been awake for 37 hours now. I never imagined I would last this long without sleeping, but here I am, prolly running on sugar rush :D
Yesterday after work my teammates and I went to Green Nature in San Mateo, Rizal for our teambuilding. A couple of months ago we just ate out but this time we opted to make it more extravagant; we had an overnight swimming party!
This is actually the first time we were able to go out of town again as a team because of the differences in our respective rest days so I made sure I made the best out of it. The whole night was spent swimming, eating, drinking strawberry vodka, and laughing to our hearts' content. I am also glad I got the chance to have a little heart-to-heart with my friends Watcher and Mich. When it was already 2AM and there were only our five of us (me, TL Carlo, Watcher, Dane, and Mich) still awake, we sang in the videoke and had a blast! It was awesome! After a couple of hours singing our throats out (I sound like a toad right now, very hoarse and croaky lol), we went back to the pool and bonded over stories until 5AM. I believe this is one of - if not the - best team buildings I've attended :)
I wish I can share photos, but I left my camera in the room after a few snaps. The photo above is of me in Jollibee happily eating my Breakfast Joy meals of Beef Tapa (with sunny side-up egg and fried rice) and pancakes with Mich, Dane and Watcher at 7o'clock this morning. My camera loves me as I looked decent in the photo even though I haven't had any sleep the previous night. The rest of the photos are with TL Carlo and I already reminded him I'd be borrowing his memory card tomorrow. I hope he won't forget to bring it. :) Aaand the reason why I wasn't able to sleep after breakfast this morning is because I still had to go to the office for a four-hour shift. So yeah, I'm feeling pretty tired right now.
So there, this is just a quick post to remind myself of how much fun I had last night. The very last song we sang in the videoke is South Border's Rainbow. There is a line there that says, "This is such a wonderful place to be..." and last night, surrounded with good friends, good conversations and good songs, I couldn't help but agree. Yes, yes it is.
Now I gotta go get myself some much-needed shut-eye. It's just 4:54 in the afternoon here right now, but my bed is already calling me. Good night ;)

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