So many things have happened to me in the past year. I've learned, laughed and lived a lot. No one can accuse me of living idly; I was always on the move, making the most of the years I have here. You see, I've always believed that I will die young. Morbid much? Not really.
I have made countless mistakes and every time I think of my regrets I want to kick myself but then again there is nothing much I can do about it right? So I just try to recall this quote I read somewhere, "Think only of the past as its remembrance gives you pleasure." I cannot do anything to undo the things I did so I just make sure I've learned the lessons each experience taught me, and then move on.
Year 2008 is almost gone, and the air reeks of excitement for the coming 2009. In line with my resolve to make the most out of my life, I came up with a list of must do's. Notice that I did not call them New Year's Resolutions. I don't know, "Resolutions" sounds like a big word, and we all know the luck it had with other peeps; they are observed religiously in the first few weeks and are ignored for the rest of the year. New Year's Resolutions are just that, for the New Year.
Manage finances wisely.
This is perennially on top of my list. I have always been an impulsive buyer and relentless shopper. Now I have more clothes and more shoes than I can wear. I bought 12 pairs of Havaianas this year for godssakes. I NEED to shape up and save up. I was inspired by Ruther who was able to put his money to good use. He was able to take care of his savings and was able to have enough dough left over to buy his new gadgets. I now say, no more shopping for new clothes for the next few months. I still have clothes I haven't worn yet and clothes I haven't gained enough mileage out of (since I wear them just once and then they get set aside so I can wear the others). And no more shopping for new Havaianas! Unless it's my dream LE Batman pair, of course.
Pamper myself more.
This is kinda embarassing, but I have never had a facial in my life. And I have virgin legs (meaning they have not yet experienced being waxed, or shaved). I am also very ticklish so I tend to veer from massages. Now I promise to enlist the help of the pros for my skin, body and hair care. I started the other night; I got a new haircut and hot oil treatment. And I need to gain weight! I have been underweight all my life and I would want to be healthier by normalizing my BMI.
Rediscover my passion for writing.
The writing workshops I took are a stepping stone. They were very inspiring and enriching and I would want to act on my dream of being a writer, even a freelancer one. I am thankful for blogs like this, which help me tap into my inner creativity and reach out to my stream of consciousness.
See more of the world.
Ruther came up with a wonderful plan of going around our beautiful country to take part in various celebrations of festivals. Today the Philippines, tomorrow the world.
Discover new passions.
I would really like to take up a new hobby. I've started nail art recently but I want more. My bestfriend Jerome recommends photography. Any recommendations? I would also want to take a short course on web design. And more writing workshops please.
Keep in touch with old friends.
This is self-explanatory. I wish all my friends have blogs so it would be a lot easier to know what they are up to.
Utilize my Belle de Jour Power Planner.
I promise to use my planner and not let it go unnoticed. It's too pretty for that, look.
My must do's are not really difficult to follow. They take just a minimal amount of effort, and the returns are very helpful. The reverberations alone are enough to encourage me to see them through.
And I leave you with the opening words in my Belle de Jour Power Planner:
I have made countless mistakes and every time I think of my regrets I want to kick myself but then again there is nothing much I can do about it right? So I just try to recall this quote I read somewhere, "Think only of the past as its remembrance gives you pleasure." I cannot do anything to undo the things I did so I just make sure I've learned the lessons each experience taught me, and then move on.
Year 2008 is almost gone, and the air reeks of excitement for the coming 2009. In line with my resolve to make the most out of my life, I came up with a list of must do's. Notice that I did not call them New Year's Resolutions. I don't know, "Resolutions" sounds like a big word, and we all know the luck it had with other peeps; they are observed religiously in the first few weeks and are ignored for the rest of the year. New Year's Resolutions are just that, for the New Year.
Manage finances wisely.
This is perennially on top of my list. I have always been an impulsive buyer and relentless shopper. Now I have more clothes and more shoes than I can wear. I bought 12 pairs of Havaianas this year for godssakes. I NEED to shape up and save up. I was inspired by Ruther who was able to put his money to good use. He was able to take care of his savings and was able to have enough dough left over to buy his new gadgets. I now say, no more shopping for new clothes for the next few months. I still have clothes I haven't worn yet and clothes I haven't gained enough mileage out of (since I wear them just once and then they get set aside so I can wear the others). And no more shopping for new Havaianas! Unless it's my dream LE Batman pair, of course.
Pamper myself more.
This is kinda embarassing, but I have never had a facial in my life. And I have virgin legs (meaning they have not yet experienced being waxed, or shaved). I am also very ticklish so I tend to veer from massages. Now I promise to enlist the help of the pros for my skin, body and hair care. I started the other night; I got a new haircut and hot oil treatment. And I need to gain weight! I have been underweight all my life and I would want to be healthier by normalizing my BMI.
Rediscover my passion for writing.
The writing workshops I took are a stepping stone. They were very inspiring and enriching and I would want to act on my dream of being a writer, even a freelancer one. I am thankful for blogs like this, which help me tap into my inner creativity and reach out to my stream of consciousness.
See more of the world.
Ruther came up with a wonderful plan of going around our beautiful country to take part in various celebrations of festivals. Today the Philippines, tomorrow the world.
Discover new passions.
I would really like to take up a new hobby. I've started nail art recently but I want more. My bestfriend Jerome recommends photography. Any recommendations? I would also want to take a short course on web design. And more writing workshops please.
Keep in touch with old friends.
This is self-explanatory. I wish all my friends have blogs so it would be a lot easier to know what they are up to.
Utilize my Belle de Jour Power Planner.
I promise to use my planner and not let it go unnoticed. It's too pretty for that, look.
My BDJ power planner with the pretty pink box
what's inside
My must do's are not really difficult to follow. They take just a minimal amount of effort, and the returns are very helpful. The reverberations alone are enough to encourage me to see them through.
And I leave you with the opening words in my Belle de Jour Power Planner:
Live with intention.
Walk to the edge.
Listen hard.
Practice wellness.
Play with abandon.
Choose with no regret.
Continue to learn.
Appreciate your friends.
Do what you love.
Live as if this is all there is.
- Mary Ann Radmacher
Walk to the edge.
Listen hard.
Practice wellness.
Play with abandon.
Choose with no regret.
Continue to learn.
Appreciate your friends.
Do what you love.
Live as if this is all there is.
- Mary Ann Radmacher
2009 offers new opportunities, new experiences, and new options. It's not too late to be the difference you want to see in this world.
A prosperous new year from me to all of you!
Kisses from Krissy! ♥♥
This is Joner commenting on the I broke the heart of my "The One Who Got Away and I Was Too Stupid to Have Let Go" and got my heart broken by "The Biggest Twerp on Earth. No Scratch That, Make That The Universe" part from my previous post. I gave him the link to a private blogpost relating what happened between me and that biggest twerp and here is what he said...
joner: te
joner: isa kang intelektwal at magandang YOYO
joner: you deserve better
krissy: sexy
krissy: dagdag mo pa sexy
joner: sorry, kulang sa adjective
krissy: :))
joner: fashionable
joner: at isang 'treasure huntress'
Just wanted to share. Hey Joner, you're a friend! Ö
Is it really the 30th already? Where have all the days gone? Time passed so fast, I was barely able to keep up. A blink of an eye. Yeah, that's an apt metaphor.
The year 2008 has been a monumental year for me. So many things have happened and I had a great number of epiphanies.
- I became a part of three different teams at work (Team Arjay, Team Julius and Team Jimmy), all members of which are distinct and fun at their own unique ways.
- I made new friends and cultivated old ones.
- I shopped and shopped for clothes and shoes that can get me through a full year without seeing the need to shop for new ones, seeing as how my closet can barely breathe with the stuff crammed in.
- I broke the heart of my "The One Who Got Away and I Was Too Stupid to Have Let Go" and got my heart broken by "The Biggest Twerp on Earth. No Scratch That, Make That The Universe".
- I created a gazillion blog accounts. To date only this one, my Multiply journal and my account remain.
- I moved out of my parents' house and declared independence by renting out my own place (with three other people who are the best housemates and no I am not kidding).
- I attended the Candy Fair for the first time and met some of my pretty Seventeen Sigaw sisters Ö
- I watched The Dark Knight (which I have waited for ever since I saw Batman Begins) and thought it was beyond super awesome.
- I was utterly obsessed with Tim Burton's Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street featuring Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter that I memorized the songs and got myself the OST (even after downloading from p2p sites) and was super happy that I was able to get the limited edition DVD (with the booklet).
- I followed Survivor: Fans vs Favorites and Survivor: Gabon and still think Ozzy should have won the former had he been not so cocky.
- I had my first pet.
- I broke my computer *ehemehem Tita Jean ehemehem*.
- I bought a new phone for myself.
- I got tangled up by the Twilight craze (since May) but realized that the series was not that good and the novelty got lost because of the rabid fangirls (that being said I still think that the Twilight merchandise business-oriented people came up with are truly magnifique).
- I joined Powerbooks' Creative Writing Workshop with Sis Anagon and it was a very inspiring and fun learning experience. I would love (and I am trying) to apply the things I've learned there through my posts. Hopefully Anagon and I will be able to push through with our online mag thingie.
- I have started doing nail art and would love to be better at it. I even bought my own nail art machine.
And so, with hopeless abandon, I would want to bid 2008 the sweetest adieu (with pink, glittering kisses) and start to usher in the year 2009 (with greetings of peace, love and lipgloss). Yeah baby. Here's hoping for more adventures to experience, more books to read, more films to watch, more gadgets to ogle at and (hopefully!) get, more fashion revolutions and more creative geniuses to pool their talents in coming up with awesome things for us to look forward to, and more life to live! I am not looking for more heartbreaks and stupid twerps to waste my time on though, tootyouverymuch.
I would like to end this post with a quote from one of the poets/ writers I find enigmatic:
"So much working, reading, thinking, living to do. A lifetime is not long enough."
That is from Sylvia Plath, who even after saying that a lifetime is not long enough, decided to end hers by putting her head in an oven and dying because of asphyxiation. Ironic. Ah, the great mysteries of life.
Indeed, Christmas 2008 was one of the best I've had. Everything felt so festive and merry and bright that it was impossible to release my inner Scrooge.
I spent half of the day at the office because I had work and then followed Papa to Malabon City after ny shift. Meanwhile my Ma and younger sister went to the airport to fetch Tita Jean who is in the Philippines now until the 14th of January 2009.
I can still feel a warm glow when I remember the fun we've had.
However something happened that dampened my spirits... Mommy Terry, my officemate who is also one of my closest friends there, lost her baby twins. They - specially Steph, her daughter - waited for a child for 10 years. They were really happy when they learned that instead of one, God will be giving them two. However they were delivered prematurely the other day and did not survive the incubators. They were dead within 12 hours...
Goodbye Marcus David. Goodbye Lucas Daniel. As Justin said, this is so tragic, but God did not plan it. He might have permitted it, but He did not plan it. I just wish Mommy Terry's family will not hurt so much.
My prayers are with them. We would appreciate it greatly if you could pray with us, too.
Whew! I had to make another mad dash to the mall today to buy presents for everyone else in my list that I haven't bought presents for. I went to SM San Lazaro with my younger sister Kyla. I was able to buy everything on my list, except for one: a gift for my Kris Kringle "baby"! Oh no I hope he forgives me. Must buy it on Friday!
Anyway, I promised myself I will not buy anything for myself... But like promises I made before regarding shopping, this was easily broken the minute I saw the Sweeney Todd DVD. I am so HAPPY! It has been in my wish list for so long! And I got the limited edition DVD package too, the one that comes with the booklet. And it was only for 499php, down from its original price of 799php!
I also got a gorgeous plum bag from Tomato (400php) and a shirt from Artwork (99php sale price). I wanted a curling iron but I guess that can wait. I also got a nice bomber hat from Bench (239.75php) and a belt hanger from the department store (59.75php). I'll post pics of my haul some other time. Ü
I got gifts for Ruther, Mich, Steph, Chao, and my Titos and Titas. My gifts for Sasha and Ar I bought online. I am sure they will LOVE them. It was so tiring, but worth it. On our way home we bought a Choco Cherry Torte cake which is my absolute favorite.
Now I have to go and wrap presents, then paint my nails! I have work tomorrow, boo me. But I will go straight home after work. My Tita Jean's coming to the Philippines! I'd also visit my relatives from Malabon tomorrow.
So. everyone, enjoy the festivities! Have a lovely, merry Christmas! ♥♥
Anyway, I promised myself I will not buy anything for myself... But like promises I made before regarding shopping, this was easily broken the minute I saw the Sweeney Todd DVD. I am so HAPPY! It has been in my wish list for so long! And I got the limited edition DVD package too, the one that comes with the booklet. And it was only for 499php, down from its original price of 799php!
I also got a gorgeous plum bag from Tomato (400php) and a shirt from Artwork (99php sale price). I wanted a curling iron but I guess that can wait. I also got a nice bomber hat from Bench (239.75php) and a belt hanger from the department store (59.75php). I'll post pics of my haul some other time. Ü
I got gifts for Ruther, Mich, Steph, Chao, and my Titos and Titas. My gifts for Sasha and Ar I bought online. I am sure they will LOVE them. It was so tiring, but worth it. On our way home we bought a Choco Cherry Torte cake which is my absolute favorite.
Now I have to go and wrap presents, then paint my nails! I have work tomorrow, boo me. But I will go straight home after work. My Tita Jean's coming to the Philippines! I'd also visit my relatives from Malabon tomorrow.
So. everyone, enjoy the festivities! Have a lovely, merry Christmas! ♥♥
These are the stuff I got from my latest trip to bargain-shopping mecca Divisoria with my Ma Ü
Two pairs of jeans that are absolute perfect fit! The one in the left with the purple patch cost me only 200php while the one in the right was for 240php. Unbelievable right? They are such big steals! They are lying in my baby pink fleece blanket I bought for 120php.
Ankle-length white dress with pretty pink floral print for 150php. You can wear it as a tube dress or you can also tie the straps in such a way that it will be a halter dress. Or you can always wear it in the conventional 2-strap way.
Slim glittery headbands (black, pearl white, turquoise, yellow) 25php each
Cellphone pouch (50php), hot pink waist belt (120php), and pink snakeskin purse with keyholders, coin purse and card compartments (90php)
Fabulous pieces with prices that will not create big dents on my budget? Absolute, pure LOVE.

Not included in the photos are my pair of black leggings I got for 120php and my craft puncher that makes star-shaped holes. I got it for 35php.
Not bad for someone who did not intend to buy anything for herself in the first place right? Ü
Not bad for someone who did not intend to buy anything for herself in the first place right? Ü
Fabulous pieces with prices that will not create big dents on my budget? Absolute, pure LOVE.
A YM conversation earlier today with Joner, a friend and college classmate:
joner: how do you do it
krissy: what?
joner: gettig good finds for a cheap price
joner: must be a gift huh
joner: :p
I believe he was referring to my bargain-shopping skills as shown in my Divisoria shopping trip I blogged about Ü
As I mentioned in my previous post, my Ma and I went there again yesterday. Shopping haul post coming up!
joner: how do you do it
krissy: what?
joner: gettig good finds for a cheap price
joner: must be a gift huh
joner: :p
I believe he was referring to my bargain-shopping skills as shown in my Divisoria shopping trip I blogged about Ü
As I mentioned in my previous post, my Ma and I went there again yesterday. Shopping haul post coming up!
I went el-cheapo shopping again today in 168 Mall. This time I went with my Mom. You won't believe the throngs of people. People literally came in droves! But I guess that gives Divisoria its unique flavor. You would always equate "throngs of people" with Divisoria. Just think how boring and unchallenging it would be if it is not that crowded.
Shopping is always a nice bonding experience with Mama. It was fun looking at stuff and seeing how much she can haggle. And my Ma can really throw the punches when it comes to haggling! She bought a blouse for her aunt at 160php, originally priced at 280php! Ö
I'm happy that I was able to accomplish shopping for gifts for my aunts and uncles, godchildren, and friends/ officemates. I am almost done; I just need to buy gifts for a couple of people in the office, plus the wish of my Kris Kringle "baby". I was shocked at how many days there are (two!) left before Christmas. The days passed by in a blur and I was not able to stick with my plan of shopping for Christmas presents early to beat the holiday rush. I am the world's best procrastinator. Or worst, depending on how you look at it :D
And of course, I bought lots of stuff for myself as well. I promised myself I will not buy anything anymore but who can resist at such bargains? The stuff I bought are resting at home though and I am here at my uncle's house using their PC so I don't know whether I'll be able to post some pics. Maybe I'll try tomorrow, together with one major update for the week that was. And a wishlist. I want to create a wishlist teehee.
So, Krissy is signing off now. Kisses!
On a different note, I've already uploaded pictures from our Tagaytay trip to my Multiply site. Click here♥♥
Shopping is always a nice bonding experience with Mama. It was fun looking at stuff and seeing how much she can haggle. And my Ma can really throw the punches when it comes to haggling! She bought a blouse for her aunt at 160php, originally priced at 280php! Ö
I'm happy that I was able to accomplish shopping for gifts for my aunts and uncles, godchildren, and friends/ officemates. I am almost done; I just need to buy gifts for a couple of people in the office, plus the wish of my Kris Kringle "baby". I was shocked at how many days there are (two!) left before Christmas. The days passed by in a blur and I was not able to stick with my plan of shopping for Christmas presents early to beat the holiday rush. I am the world's best procrastinator. Or worst, depending on how you look at it :D
And of course, I bought lots of stuff for myself as well. I promised myself I will not buy anything anymore but who can resist at such bargains? The stuff I bought are resting at home though and I am here at my uncle's house using their PC so I don't know whether I'll be able to post some pics. Maybe I'll try tomorrow, together with one major update for the week that was. And a wishlist. I want to create a wishlist teehee.
So, Krissy is signing off now. Kisses!
On a different note, I've already uploaded pictures from our Tagaytay trip to my Multiply site. Click here♥♥
I haven't updated this blog as much as I would want to, mainly because I have been busy with work and stuff. Add to that the fact that I am still without a computer *sobsobhinthintwinkwinknudgenudge* :D Anyway, lots of stuff happened and I would really really want to share them through Krissyfied. I swear I'm going to do a mean update once I get home. Some highlights include an out of town trip and a cooking tutorial :p
Mich, Sasha, Ar and I went to Divisoria last Monday for some bargain-retail therapy. We knew it would be crowded, what with Christmas coming and all, but we willingly braved the crowds for el-cheapo but fabulous pieces. It was super fun! Materialistic recessionista-vibes. Aah, this is the life. Ü
What's a trip to the bargain-shopping mecca without scoring awesome finds? Here is my loot Ü
White tank with black pinstripe vest
I got it for 230php. The tank and the vest are not stitched together so I can wear them with other pieces separately.
Silver/grey halter top
Sexy baby! I got it from Ameranciana's stall, who apparently makes clothes for some local stars. I was not really supposed to buy it, but Ar made me try to see how it looks on me. I tried it out, and it's love baby, it's love. For 230php.
And my favorite of the lot... (Pretty obvious because of the number of photos I took haha)
Metal grey gladiator sandals Fierce! I have been looking for something like it and this is PERFECTION. 380php, can you believe it? I am still reeling from the sheer brilliance of that awesome price Ö
And I realized... All the pieces I got are in the same monochromatic/ grey color shades. Maybe it is a coincidence, but I find myself gravitating towards that color family these days. Just look at my Holiday Kick-off Party outfit for proof. Metallics is my motif this season.
I did not buy that many this time, but these pieces more than make up for it. And of course, shopping is made even more fun with friends. Ü Madam Sasha found the perfect outfit to wear to her friend's wedding that she will attend, and all of us were more than willing to give unsolicited advice to each other over what and what-not to buy.
My Mom and I went grocery-shopping yesterday, but before that we went to this store that sells knick-knacks and other odds and ends, and look at what I found:
This normally sells 500php and up at some stores, and can even go more than 1,000php. But I got my train case, compartments, keys and all, for 280php. Now I know I am the luckiest bargain-junkie in the world haha Ö
I love love love it! Ü
What's a trip to the bargain-shopping mecca without scoring awesome finds? Here is my loot Ü

I got it for 230php. The tank and the vest are not stitched together so I can wear them with other pieces separately.

Sexy baby! I got it from Ameranciana's stall, who apparently makes clothes for some local stars. I was not really supposed to buy it, but Ar made me try to see how it looks on me. I tried it out, and it's love baby, it's love. For 230php.
And my favorite of the lot... (Pretty obvious because of the number of photos I took haha)

And I realized... All the pieces I got are in the same monochromatic/ grey color shades. Maybe it is a coincidence, but I find myself gravitating towards that color family these days. Just look at my Holiday Kick-off Party outfit for proof. Metallics is my motif this season.
I did not buy that many this time, but these pieces more than make up for it. And of course, shopping is made even more fun with friends. Ü Madam Sasha found the perfect outfit to wear to her friend's wedding that she will attend, and all of us were more than willing to give unsolicited advice to each other over what and what-not to buy.
My Mom and I went grocery-shopping yesterday, but before that we went to this store that sells knick-knacks and other odds and ends, and look at what I found:
This normally sells 500php and up at some stores, and can even go more than 1,000php. But I got my train case, compartments, keys and all, for 280php. Now I know I am the luckiest bargain-junkie in the world haha Ö
I love love love it! Ü
The last day of Powerbooks' Creative Writing Workshop series was moved to last Saturday (December 6) which was a blessing in disguise since Ana was extremely busy for her bazaar stints last week.
"How to Write Delicious Food Articles and Restaurant Reviews" was the topic of the last workshop of the series. A group of phrases that was enough to intimidate the living daylights out of me. As I said in my previous posts, I am the most undomestic goddess I know and I haven't really tried writing about food before. But it turned out to be a very fun learning experience for me. Ms. Chun Valencia, the facilitator, was very nice. We learned lots of things from her and from the workshop. Jude, of course was also there, together with Ms. Vanessa and Ms. Ellen. Our "classmates" for the day were Frickz and Geleen.
The stress and pressure I suffered were unfounded. We did not do the nosebleed-inducing fancy-schmanzy taste-descriptive words at all! Instead we were asked to: describe the feeling of being immersed in a color, do a self-portrait, come up with as many words as we can to substitute the word "eat" in a piece, and describe what E-Aji corn chips with flaming hot salsa dip, Ram 100% California Raisins, and Cream-O Premium taste like. I was able to prove that I can be an effective ad-copywriter. Ü
After the workshop Ana and I went around the mall to do some soul-sister bonding. Need more proof that we're indeed soul sisters? Lookie...

And I got some really cool stuff from her! I got Jelly Lens with the Pink Heart/Blue Filter and it's perfect for my phone! I also got a really nice fishie necklace which her friend consigned for her shop.
There are lots of other cool filters, too! Ana's fave is the 6-image one. You can check them out (and order!) here.
After the workshop and shopping (and window-shopping!) around, we were famished! We ate a hearty meal at Kenny Roger's.
Sad that the day had to end. Because I came from work earlier that day and was awake since 2am, I was super tired and sleepy come 8pm. Forgive glittery me; I am one of the obedient followers of "Early to bed and early to rise" since my work sched's too early Ö
We are Summit Media babies! I bought these:

It was surely a fun and rewarding experience. I would LOVE to attend one again. And of course, these experiences are best shared, with FRIENDS! Ü
Tomorrow is the last day of the Powerbooks' Creative Writing Workshop series I have signed up for and it will be about How to Write Delicious Food Articles and Restaurant Reviews. Now, I cannot reiterate this enough; I am probably the most undomestic goddess I know and this workshop terrifies me. Seriously! For one, I am not that big on eating. I love food, but really, if you ask me to pick which I like better, books or food, I would pick books anytime of the day. And besides, my vocabulary for describing taste is limited to the basic taste adjectives sweet, sour, salty, bitter and spicy!
This might be a problem, but whatever. I will just make the most out of it. I will be with Ana, and if it proves too much for my undomestic self then it would be too easy to walk out and just go shopping.. Hehe.
With the coming of December comes the requisite Christmas parties! And I love it because it gives me another excuse to go shopping tee hee Ö I must say that the Christmas season is my favorite; aside from the lovely snoozy weather, it is also the time of giving (and receiving) gifts. Yeah yeah, I know the spirit of Christmas is not about commercialism and materialism but you get my drift right? Ü
Our team will have a Kris Kringle, a tradition where we would each draw lots for our "babies" and give him/ her a present. But it was modified since we would actually have a wish list so it would not be hard for our "Mommies" and "Daddies" to think of presents.
So... I haven't thought of what to wish for yet. I am stumped.
Hmm, I wonder what to wish for? Ö
Oh wow time flew by so fast.. Where have all the days gone? Anyway, it's December, and you know what means right? Aside from it being the Christmas month, it is also the time when bonuses are being handed left and right. I splurged on myself a bit last week when I bought myself a new phone, and the 13th month pay has not even been given to us yet, so more money for us! Ö
Now before I go all-spendiriffic again, I need to pause and put things in perspective. With all the financial crisis and credit crunch going on, I need to learn to prioritize and spend on things I really need.
Like what? Well, I really need to buy a new computer. I am using my Tito's computer in the two days I am here at home, I am thankful of course that at least I am able to use this as an alternative, but it would be much better if I have my own again. Besides my two sibs are studying, so it is not practical to be without a computer these days.
I guess the digital camera and portable DVD player would have to wait. It might be cool to have a credit card and just swipe every time I see something I like. But for a shopaholic like me, a credit card might cause my downfall. I do not have a credit card even though I work for a bank. Maybe because customers calling us with thousands of pounds of debits have scared me off. I don't know.. I pay for everything in cash, and it has worked for me. A bit anyway. If what I want to buy is way over my budget, I don't buy it. But that is not the end of the story; I find ways on how I can get it. Borrow from my Mom perhaps? Better than a credit card, since it is guaranteed 0% interest! Ü
But of course I would want to indulge myself a little bit, since I have worked hard for this for a year. Hmm.. Maybe the new phone is enough? I could just jazz it up. Or a new pair of Havaianas perhaps? Maybe not. I indulge myself every month anyway. I guess I would just have to save the money and then spend some for Christmas gifts for family, friends and officemates. My savings account needs some plumping up Ö
Now before I go all-spendiriffic again, I need to pause and put things in perspective. With all the financial crisis and credit crunch going on, I need to learn to prioritize and spend on things I really need.
Like what? Well, I really need to buy a new computer. I am using my Tito's computer in the two days I am here at home, I am thankful of course that at least I am able to use this as an alternative, but it would be much better if I have my own again. Besides my two sibs are studying, so it is not practical to be without a computer these days.
I guess the digital camera and portable DVD player would have to wait. It might be cool to have a credit card and just swipe every time I see something I like. But for a shopaholic like me, a credit card might cause my downfall. I do not have a credit card even though I work for a bank. Maybe because customers calling us with thousands of pounds of debits have scared me off. I don't know.. I pay for everything in cash, and it has worked for me. A bit anyway. If what I want to buy is way over my budget, I don't buy it. But that is not the end of the story; I find ways on how I can get it. Borrow from my Mom perhaps? Better than a credit card, since it is guaranteed 0% interest! Ü
But of course I would want to indulge myself a little bit, since I have worked hard for this for a year. Hmm.. Maybe the new phone is enough? I could just jazz it up. Or a new pair of Havaianas perhaps? Maybe not. I indulge myself every month anyway. I guess I would just have to save the money and then spend some for Christmas gifts for family, friends and officemates. My savings account needs some plumping up Ö
Oh wow, screw being without a computer. this post is so overdue =/
Here is another excuse to go shopping and glam up!
We had our Holiday Kick-off Party last Thursday (27 November) at the PICC Forum Tent. It was big and fun but the Discovolution, I think, was executed better. Nevertheless I had more fun at this party because I was with my friends. My feet wanted to fall off! My shoes were comfortable but dancing for more than three hours does that.
The theme was Super Groove, and the whole place was decked out in full club-motif. The venue was divided into three: the game room where billiard tables, Wii and Play Station consoles, and computers were set up, the dance hall with the bars and three platforms for the performers, and the banquet hall. Employees from both HSBC - HDPP sites (Alabang and Quezon City) were there, except for some who have to report to work. Boo! I was actually supposed to report to work at 5am the next day, thankfully my VL was approved, or I would not have been able to go to the party.
My inspiration for my outfit was Gwyneth Paltrow with her mini dresses and wicked bondage shoes. I wore a metallic slate dress from Freeway and shoes from Boardwalk. Hair and make-up were pretty simple, I just applied some liquid foundation, hoped it would stay put (it did not disappoint, btw), some cream blush, pink lippie and did the smoky eye-effect. Pretty good, for a make-up noob like me Ö Acessories were recycled from the Discovolution.
My dates were Asther, Ruther, Mich, Watcher and Frank. Ü We had a sumptuous meal by Via Mare. For the program, they did like a Club Mwah performance but I was not able to watch it because I accompanied Asther while she was eating; she was late because she came from her tutorial part-time job. We were just in time for South Border's perfomance, and they certainly set the mood for one crazy night of dancing. Urban Nation sang some cool RnB songs, and Toy Symphony did some cool dance ditties. However we were already tired at that point so we made our way to the banquet hall to sit.
It was fun and I am happy that I have some pretty cool pictures from the evening. I love HSBC Ü
More pictures here.
Here is another excuse to go shopping and glam up!
We had our Holiday Kick-off Party last Thursday (27 November) at the PICC Forum Tent. It was big and fun but the Discovolution, I think, was executed better. Nevertheless I had more fun at this party because I was with my friends. My feet wanted to fall off! My shoes were comfortable but dancing for more than three hours does that.
The theme was Super Groove, and the whole place was decked out in full club-motif. The venue was divided into three: the game room where billiard tables, Wii and Play Station consoles, and computers were set up, the dance hall with the bars and three platforms for the performers, and the banquet hall. Employees from both HSBC - HDPP sites (Alabang and Quezon City) were there, except for some who have to report to work. Boo! I was actually supposed to report to work at 5am the next day, thankfully my VL was approved, or I would not have been able to go to the party.
My inspiration for my outfit was Gwyneth Paltrow with her mini dresses and wicked bondage shoes. I wore a metallic slate dress from Freeway and shoes from Boardwalk. Hair and make-up were pretty simple, I just applied some liquid foundation, hoped it would stay put (it did not disappoint, btw), some cream blush, pink lippie and did the smoky eye-effect. Pretty good, for a make-up noob like me Ö Acessories were recycled from the Discovolution.
My dates were Asther, Ruther, Mich, Watcher and Frank. Ü We had a sumptuous meal by Via Mare. For the program, they did like a Club Mwah performance but I was not able to watch it because I accompanied Asther while she was eating; she was late because she came from her tutorial part-time job. We were just in time for South Border's perfomance, and they certainly set the mood for one crazy night of dancing. Urban Nation sang some cool RnB songs, and Toy Symphony did some cool dance ditties. However we were already tired at that point so we made our way to the banquet hall to sit.
It was fun and I am happy that I have some pretty cool pictures from the evening. I love HSBC Ü
More pictures here.
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